DASD Sergio de la Peña Addresses Perry Center Alumni in Panama
Panama Alumni Event
06 Feb 2020

Over 100 Perry Center alumni, Panamanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, University of Panama and Florida State University faculty and students, and members of the diplomatic community gathered on Monday, February 3rd at the University of Panama for a Perry Center alumni event featuring a discussion with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs Sergio de la Peña. The event featured opening remarks by Perry Center Director LTG (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim and included an alumni network update from Educational Outreach Specialist Kara O’Ryan who encouraged graduates to stay involved in the alumni community, to continue to share new ideas and initiatives, and to take advantage of the resources and professional development opportunities offered by the WJPC.

De la Peña focused his talk on US policy in Latin America and addressed questions about a broad range of topics, including US policy in Panama, US policy towards external actors such as China and Russia, free commerce, the role of the armed forces, transnational organized crime, drug production and consumption, and democracy in the Western Hemisphere. He concluded his remarks by stressing the need for Latin American countries to continue to work together to combat regional threats and strengthen multilateral efforts to promote cyber stability and security.