Thirty-two participants in the Masters in Defense and National Security program of the Escuela de Graduados de Alts Estudios Estratégicos (Graduate School for Advanced Strategic Studies – EGAEE) of the Dominican Republic participated in an academic program on July 26 at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. The delegation is in Washington on a school trip, led by General Miguel Cordero Mejia Director of the School. On behalf of the CHDS Director, Dr. Richard Downie, Deputy Director, Mr. Ken LaPlante welcomed the students, highlighting the strong links that link the two institutions and expressing the Center’s commitment to continue supporting EGAE making extensive use of the learning tools technology makes available. Professor Manuel F. Lora, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Division of Education presented a brief of the Center’s mission and academic activities. The academic exchange focused on a presentation by Dr. Michael Gold-Biss on the impact of organized crime on the governance of states. The presentation generated a lively exchange of ideas among participants who found that the topic very timely and highly relevant to their Master’s program.