CDSC Participants Convene at Fort McNair
CDSC 2021 Group Photo
17 Jul 2012

Nearly a month ago, more than 60 people from 18 countries of the Caribbean, Central and South America met online to began the three-week distance learning phase of the Caribbean Defense and Security Course (CDSC). Participants and facilitators reviewed, analyzed, and discussed readings, in preparation for the course’s intensive in-person phase.  On July 16, as participants arrived at Fort Lesley J. McNair for the first time, Dr. Richard Downie welcomed them to CHDS. The CHDS Director advised students that the next two weeks would be rigorous and challenging, but that they should also find time to enjoy the attractions of summer in Washington, DC. Dr. John Yaeger, National Defense University’s Vice-President of Academic Affairs, welcomed students to the NDU campus and spoke about the robust, collaborative academic partnership between CHDS and NDU.