ESDEGUE Faculty and Students Visit the Perry Center
15 Sep 2015

On Monday, September 14, students from the Colombian National War College’s (ESDEGUE) command and general staff course (CEM) visited the Perry Center for an academic exchange with faculty. The 34-person delegation included some of the most promising field grade officers in the Colombian armed forces and was led by Brigadier General Luis Fernando Rojas Espinosa, Commander of the Pegasus Task Force. International CEM students from Peru and Brazil joined the group.

After welcome remarks from Dr. Scott Tollefson, Dean of Academic Affairs, Professor of Practice Guillermo Pacheco lectured to the delegation on the Perry Center’s history, organization, and mission. Later, Captain Camilo Segovia, Visiting Professor from the Colombian Navy, presented on the unique security and defense challenges of operating in complex, dynamic environments. Captain Segovia, who previously led the Colombian Navy’s first mission to Antarctica in his capacity as Commander of the ARC 20 de Julio, then detailed the planning and execution of that mission and explained how this success was a product of recent transformation of the Colombian military.