Jamaica Alumni Chapter held its first symposium titled "Jamaica at 50: Reflections on the Democracy."
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08 May 2012
Jamaica at 50: Reflections on the Democracy

Attendees of the first Jamaican Alumni Symposium

On April 26, 2012, the Jamaica Alumni Chapter held its first symposium titled Jamaica at 50: Reflections on the Democracy. The event, held at the Department of Management Studies at the University of the West Indies – Mona campus, had more than 15 people in attendance and covered a variety of topics, including the military, police, academic, and civil society perspectives as Jamaica celebrates 50 years of independence and democracy. The symposium was organized by the Jamaica Chapter Organizing Committee, made up of Major George Benson, Acting Commandant James Golding, Ms. Karlene Afflick, and Mr. Samuel Blake. Presenters included Brigadier Rocky Meade (Jamaica Defence Force), Assistant Commissioner Dormah Harrison (CHDS alumnus), Dr. Lloyd Barnett (lawyer, Chairman of Citizens Action for Free and Fair Elections), and Professor Anthony Clayton (University of the West Indies).