Mexican Delegation Visits the Perry Center
10 Jun 2015

A delegation from Mexican Secretariat of Defense’s (SEDENA) Escuela Superior de Guerra (ESG), visited the Perry Center for an organizational briefing and dialogue on emerging defense and security challenges in the Western Hemisphere. The group was composed of a diverse body of security and defense officials from different parts of Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Nicaragua –all of whom are pursuing a Master’s in strategic management at ESG. Following remarks by Director Mark Wilkins and Deputy Director Dr. Luis Bitencourt, the delegation listened to a presentation given by Professor Guillermo Pacheco on the important role of white papers in the formulation of defense policy.

Later that day, the group paid a visit to the Inter-American Defense College (IADC) before departing for Fort Benning, Georgia where students will meet with leadership and students from the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). The group will then conclude their tour with a stop at the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Georgia before returning to Mexico City.