Perry Center Professors Dr. Scott Tollefson and Pat Paterson attended the LASA Congress in New York City. The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) represents an excellent opportunity for Perry Center staff, faculty, and students to learn about contemporary issues in the Western Hemisphere. It is 
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Professor Guillermo Pacheco-Gaitan held a VTC with approximately thirty students from Peru’s CEDEYAC course on Security, Stability, Transition, and Reconstruction. The session began with a discussion on General Sir Rupert Smith’s new paradigm concerning war, which now often takes place amid civilian populations; and the 
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Professor Celina Realuyo led and moderated the plenary panel on “International Cooperation to Counter International Criminal Networks and their Linkages to Terrorism” at the ISOF (International Special Operations Forces) Conference of the 2016 SOFIC (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference), before an audience of 400 special 
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The Perry Center hosted a roundtable discussion with Dr. Ángel Tello, Secretary for Military Affairs of Argentina. Dr. Tello was accompanied by several representatives from the Government of Argentina, including Mr. Walter Ceballos, Secretary for Logistics and Military Coordination for Emergencies; Mr. José Luis Vila, 
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Ms. Paulina Vodanovic Rojas, Chile’s Undersecretary of the Armed Forces, visited the Perry Center, where she met with Perry Center Director Mark Wilkins and engaged in a roundtable discussion with several Perry Center faculty and staff members. As Undersecretary, Ms. Vodanovic oversees a portfolio that 
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A delegation from the Command for Education of the Armed Forces of Guatemala (COSEDE) visited the Perry Center to discuss themes of defense and governance. Perry Center Director Mark Wilkins welcomed the 39-person delegation, comprised of both military and civilian officials. Perry Center Professor Dr. 
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Perry Center Professors Boris Saavedra and Celina Realuyo participated in the Fuerzas Comando 2016 Distinguished Visitor Program in Lima, Peru where they presented on the globalization of illicit networks, the US CTOC strategy, and cybersecurity and emerging technologies at this senior seminar. US SOUTHCOM Commander 
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The Office of the Secretary of Defense for Security Cooperation is hosting a Central American Maritime Regional Initiative (CAMRI) Workshop at the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, May 2-6, 2016. Partner nations from Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama 
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The Perry Center conducted a Caribbean Regional Countering Transnational Threats Seminar on April 27-29, 2016, in Kingston Jamaica, with over 70 defense and security professionals in attendance. Participants included officials from Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and 
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Perry Center Professor Pat Paterson joined the US Southern Command Human Rights team at a South American Regional Seminar on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The event was hosted by the Center for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of the Peruvian Armed 
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