Dr. Boris Saavedra, a specialist on the role of private security firms in domestic law enforcement, presented a 2-hour lecture by video teleconference to 40 students of Peru’s Curso de Dirección Estratégica para la Defensa y Administración de Crisis (CEDEYAC). His topic, the Conceptual Nature 
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On the 12th of March, Perry Center professors Dr. Luis Bitencourt and Guillermo Pacheco presented their experiences on confidence building measures during a conference on that topic at the Organization of American States (OAS). At the OAS’s Sixth Forum on Confidence and Security-Building, Dr. Bitencourt 
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On February 24, a video conference was held with the Naval War Academy of Chile on various topics of the global environment that interested students. The student, who were not only from Chile, but also from El Salvador, Ecuador, China, and Brazil among others. Professors 
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Perry Center Professor of Practice Celina Realuyo has authored a new white paper entitled “Combating Terrorist Financing in the Gulf: Significant Progress but Risks Remain.” The white paper was published by the Arab Gulf States Institution. Executive Summary The Gulf countries have taken significant national, 
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Perry Center Professor Boris Saavedra wrote an article titled “The Emergence and Proliferation of Private Security Companies in El Salvador” (Surgimiento y proliferacion de las empresas de seguridad privada en El Salvador) for the current issue of the journal Policía y Seguridad Pública. The article 
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On January 22, three senior officers from the Jamaican Defence Force (JDF), accompanied by officers from the District of Columbia National Guard, participated in an academic exchange with Perry Center faculty. The DC National Guard organized the exchange because Jamaica is their partner in the 
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On January 9, the Perry Center bid farewell to staff member, Patricia Kehoe, and honored her with the Defense Security Cooperation Agency’s World of Excellence Award for exceptional support to the Center and its mission. Ms. Kehoe, a 2012 graduate of the Georgetown School of 
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Dr. Salvador Raza, an expert in defense analysis, strategy, and force design, recently rejoined the Perry Center as a Professor. Through a cost-sharing initiative with the US Defense Institution Reform Initiative (DIRI), Professor Raza will teach Perry Center courses and participate in strategic programs both 
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On December 4 and 5, a delegation of eight students from Peru’s Center for Superior National Studies (CAEN) participated in a series of lectures and discussion led by Perry Center faculty. The visiting delegation was part of a 48-person group from CAEN in Washington, DC, 
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On December 2 – 4, 2014, the 3rd Seminar on the Evaluation of the Objectives of the Guatemalan Strategic Plan for National Security was held in the city of Antigua, Guatemala. The seminar was organized by the Technical Secretariat of the Republic of Guatemala’s National 
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