Our executive liaison to NORTHCOM, Richard Taylor, won the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security’s annual essay competition. His winning essay proposes that the United States needs Mexico as a partner in the defense of North America.
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On June 11, at an event commemorating Brazilian Navy Day, the Brazilian Navy awarded Dr. Luis Bitencourt the medal Order of the Naval Merit at the grade of “Official.” The President of the Republic of Brazil grants this medal to Brazilian and foreign authorities who 
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Mark Wilkins joins the Perry Center after nearly four years spent working with OSD Policy’s Defense Institution Reform Initiative (DIRI). He first served as the DIRI Latin American Program Manager, coordinating the development of four programs in the Western Hemisphere to help partners develop accountable, 
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On June 2, Professor Isidro Sepúlveda presented a videoteleconference (VTC) lecture to the students of the Honduran National Defense College Master’s Program. The lecture covered the topic of geopolitics. Dr. Sepulveda began with an introduction to the classic conceptual basics, the principal thinkers, and the 
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Last week a delegation from the Perry Center visited El Salvador to participate in several activities sponsored and coordinated by the Perry Center Alumni Association of El Salvador. On May 26th professors General (ret.) Carlos Ospina, Dr. David Spencer and Mr. Guillermo Pacheco presented a 
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On May 20, as part of the long-standing cooperation between the Perry Center and the Strategic Management Course for Defense and Crisis Administration (CEDEYAC) program of the Peruvian Naval War College, Perry Center Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Luis Bitencourt gave a talk via videoconference 
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On May 20, Acting Director Ken LaPlante welcomed Guatemala’s Minister of Defense, Major General Manuel Augusto Lopez Ambrocio, to the Perry Center for a roundtable discussion. Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Luis Bitencourt served as moderator for an open discussion on the security environment in 
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On May 19, Academic Dean Dr. Luis Bitencourt welcomed a 31-person delegation from the Guatemalan Army’s Higher Education Command (Comando Superior de Educación del Ejército de Guatemala COSEDE). The delegation included civilian and military students and faculty members from COSEDE’s 15th Superior Strategic Studies Course, 
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On May 14, General Humberto Oviedo Arriagada, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army since November 2013, visited the Perry Center for the first time to participate in a roundtable discussion and lunch with several members of the Center’s faculty and staff. He was in the United 
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On May 5, the Center welcomed 53 participants from 17 countries throughout the Western Hemisphere to the first day of the Strategy and Defense Policy Course (SDP) residence phase. The students had already been participating in an online distance-learning phase for several weeks that included 
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