Perry Center Visits El Salvador
El Salvador Visit 2014
02 Jun 2014

Last week a delegation from the Perry Center visited El Salvador to participate in several activities sponsored and coordinated by the Perry Center Alumni Association of El Salvador. On May 26th professors General (ret.) Carlos Ospina, Dr. David Spencer and Mr. Guillermo Pacheco presented a workshop to 61 participants on the topic of strategic leadership and strategy formulation. The workshop was held at the Instituto Especializado de Educación Superior para la Formación Diplomática (IEESFORD), which is the training facility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador.

IEESFORD Director, Ambassador Francisco Salvador Fonseca Salgado presided at the opening ceremony along with Alumni Association President Mr. Juan Ricardo Gomez Hecht and Perry Center Professor General (ret.) Ospina. Along with the successful workshop, the alumni association also organized a networking dinner on May 23rd which was attended by approximately 40 Perry Center Alumni and former and current students at the Colegio de Altos Estudios Estratégicos (CAEE). This event brought together a diverse group of alumni including those who attended the first course at the Perry Center in 1998, as well as the most recent graduates from the 2014 Strategy and Defense Policy course in Washington and NationLab at CAEE in El Salvador.