Perry Center Announces the Start of the 2015 CDSC Course
CDSC 2015
15 Jul 2015

The Perry Center started its Caribbean Defense and Security Course (CDSC) with the arrival of over 50 students for the two-week in-person phase of the course. Student participants hail from 18 countries in the region and will examine common security issues that face each of their countries.

The course will cover threats such as organized crime, gangs, cyber security, and corruption. Students will visit the Inter-American Defense Board and the Organization of American States to receive presentations from security officials at both organizations. The course will also include a special Hemispheric Forum on corruption and an exercise scenario in which students will be required to use critical thinking and crisis-decision making to solve a cascading series of problems in a fictitious country.

Much of the second week of the course is dedicated to examining cooperative US-Caribbean efforts to combat crime in the region. Students will hear panel presentations from the Department of State, US Southern Command, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and the US Coast Guard. Students will also learn about the latest efforts to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba from a senior government official.