Perry Center Conducts Graduation Ceremony for 2022 Strategy and Defense Policy Course
SDP 2022 Graduation
31 Oct 2022
Ambassador Todd Robinson

Ambassador Todd Robinson delivers keynote address to SDP 2022 graduates.

On October 28, National Defense University President, Lt Gen Michael T. Plehn, and Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Ambassador Todd D. Robinson, joined Perry Center Director, Dr. Paul Angelo, to commemorate the graduation of 48 regional participants from the 2022 Strategy and Defense Policy Course. In opening remarks, Lt Gen Plehn noted the work of the Perry Center and course material – including policy drafting, strategic planning, institutional reform, and resource management – are “vitally important to our regional security and maintaining the strength and health of our democracies.”

In the keynote address, Assistant Secretary Robinson advocated working together to address the complex and evolving landscape in the Western Hemisphere by prioritizing cooperation and regional partnerships, information-sharing, and expanding partnerships beyond traditional partners. Our appreciation to all guest speakers, visiting professors, and course director David Spencer for their contributions to the course. Congratulations to our SDP 2022 graduates!