Perry Center Hosts Online Conversation with DASD Daniel P. Erikson
Conversation with DASD Erikson
21 Jul 2021

On July 20th, the Perry Center was honored to host a virtual conversation featuring the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Mr. Daniel P. Erikson. Mr. Erikson spoke about the Biden-Harris Administration defense priorities in the Western Hemisphere as well as Secretary of Defense Austin’s guidance helps shape US defense policies for the region. During his remarks, Mr. Erikson also spoke to the importance to partnerships in the Western Hemisphere and how his office is focused on strengthening those relationships by prioritizing expanded use of security cooperation. During the question-and-answer period, Mr. Erikson responded to a number of questions on a wide variety of topical and thematic challenges that the hemisphere is confronting.

Event Recording (English)
Event Recording (Spanish)