Perry Center Hosts Students from Mexico’s CESNAV in Virtual Visit
20210609 - CESNAV visit
10 Jun 2021

On June 9, 2021, the Perry Center hosted a virtual visit by 25 students from Mexico’s Center for Higher Naval Studies (CESNAV) National Security Master’s degree program. The session began with opening remarks about the Center delivered by Director LTG (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim, Academic Dean Dr. Scott Tollefson, and Outreach Program Manager Mrs. Kara O’Ryan. Dr. Boris Saavedra then followed with a presentation on “Terrorism and Crime in Cyberspace in the Americas,” while Professor Celina Realuyo addressed “Countering Transnational Threats in the Americas.” Each presentation was followed by extensive question and answer sessions.

Traditionally, CESNAV Master’s students visit the Perry Center as part of their annual visit to Washington, DC. Thanks to modern technology, we were able to continue this tradition despite the pandemic.