Portrait of National Hero of Guatemala Unveiled at CHDS
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02 Nov 2011

Just Rufino Portrait Unveiling 2On Tuesday October 25, 2011, Dr. Richard Downie, Director of CHDS, and Brigadier General Juan Jose Ruiz Morales, Minister of Defense of Guatemala, officiated at the unveiling of the portrait of Guatemalan National Hero Justo Rufino.

Just Rufino Portrait Unveiling 1Dr. Richard Downie and BG Juan Jose Ruiz Morales were joined by 57 participants from 21 countries. The likeness is of Justo Rufino Barrios, a former President of Guatemala, elected in May of 1873. Known for his liberal reforms and his attempts to reunite Central America, he instituted a number of reforms, including freedom of the press. He was also responsible for limiting the power of the Catholic Church and confiscating its property. Today, his portrait is on the five-quetzal bill of Guatemala, and the city and port of Puerto Barrios, capital of Izabal, bear his name. This is the fifth National Hero to be inducted into the Hallway of National Heroes at CHDS.

BG Juan Jose Ruiz Morales, born in Patzicia, Chimaltenango, became Minister of the National Defense of Guatemala on May 3, 2011, and on June 30 was promoted to Major General. He is a graduate of NDU and has an MA in National Strategy Resources. He has also received various distinguished awards, including the 30-year service award, the Bronze Star, and the Combatant Plaque with three stars.