On August 8, 2023, Professor Celina Realuyo participated in an international forum titled “Global Threats, Regional Crisis and Domestic Challenges” at the Escuela de Altos Estudios Estratégicos of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada in Bogota, Colombia with 70 participants in person and even more online. She spoke on “Confronting the Threats from the Digitalization of Illicit Networks in the Americas.” She explained how transnational organized crime is complementing its traditional illegal activities in cyberspace and underscored the need to develop strategies and a legal framework to address cyber-physical threats in the Americas. Other forum topics included: “Global Disorder and Multilateralism in Crisis” with Professor Vicente Torrijos, “From Cold War to Strategic Competition” with GEN (ret.) Juan Carlos Salazar and “The Americas and the End of Globalization” with Mr. Joseph Humire.