Virtual Alumni Open House Held for Spanish Speaking Graduates of the Perry Center
December 2020 Virtual Alumni Open House
04 Dec 2020

On December 1, the Perry Center held its first alumni “Open House.” Over 200 Spanish-speaking graduates attended, and they enthusiastically participated in an interactive question and answer session with Lieutenant General (ret.) Rudesheim, Director of the Center. During this meeting, the International Network of Alumni of the Perry Center presented an “Alumni for Alumni” project.

This was the first in a series of events and represents the Perry Center’s commitment to its alumni community. The Center has several initiatives scheduled for 2021 that were shared with everyone present and will also be posted on the Center’s website for those who could not participate. The Center considers it extremely important that we continue to create opportunities for open exchange, in the virtual world for now, and when possible in the future, in-region and in-person.