WJPC and GCMC Professors Speak on Countering Transnational Organized Crime
Security Challenges in the 21st Century - Group Photo
04 Dec 2017

On November 28, 2017, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo and Marshall Center Professor John Fencsak spoke on strategies to counter transnational organized crime through international cooperation at a day-long seminar on “Security Challenges in the 21st Century” hosted by Argentine Congresswoman Cornelia Schmidt-Liermann, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, and ICAID (Argentine Civil Initiative for Integration and Development) at the Argentine Congress. Marcus Reis from Brazil spoke on the internationalization of criminal syndicates in Brazil, Ariel Gonzalez Levaggi addressed the threat of terrorism in the Americas and from ISIS, Fernando Gabriel Zarabozo explained the critical role of intelligence in combating transnational threats, and Juan Battaleme explained the evolving threats in cyberspace. All these speakers at the seminar were alumni of the Perry Center.