Critical Infrastructure: A Cybersecurity Framework
Critical Infrastructure: A Cybersecurity Framework
27 Apr 2021

On April 22, 2021 the Perry Center hosted the webinar “Critical Infrastructure: A Cybersecurity Framework” featuring guest speaker Mr. Marc Asturias, Vice President, Marketing – Latin America and Canada, Fortinet. Mr. Asturias focused his presentation on the protection of critical infrastructures specifically for air and maritime industries and pointed out that “leaders face a myriad of challenges such as evolving legislation with doctrines, strategy planning and best practice frameworks.” He described how digital innovation is disrupting all industries, causing risks and vulnerabilities and emphasized the need for understanding industrial control systems (ICS) to prevent and anticipate sophisticated cyber threats. Mr. Asturias explained that time to detection, the need for resilience, communication, and leveraging a framework (such as the NIST framework) are all key elements and concluded by commenting, “Make sure that you’re resilient, that you can recover from an attack, and that you have sufficient visibility and control over all of your systems.” Perry Center professor Dr. Boris Saavedra moderated the event.

Event Recording