Colleagues and friends, it is with both pleasure and a touch of sadness that the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) moves from its home of 11 years at the Coast Guard headquarters building to the new Lincoln Hall at the National Defense University on 
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On November 19th a delegation of 54 members of the Chilean National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estrategicos – ANEPE), the institutional category winners of the William J. Perry Award last September, visited the National Defense University, where its Director, 
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CHDS’ traditional seminar for accredited diplomats, the “Washington Security and Defense Seminar,” held October 6-10 focused on the implications of the upcoming post-election transition between US administrations. According to course director Dr. E. Richard Downes, in addition to the snapshots of how Washington formulates and 
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The same week that the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) celebrated its 11th anniversary, on September 17, it also presented its second annual William J. Perry Awards for Excellence in Security and Defense Education to two of the Americas’ most worthy individuals and institutions. 
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Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs Paul McHale was the keynote speaker at the CHDS “Defense Support to Civil Authorities in the Western Hemisphere Conference” that is being held in Crystal City, Virginia, September 16-18. In a well-received presentation, McHale 
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On July 29-31, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies cosponsored, together with the Panamanian Ministry of Government and Justice, a conference on “Critical Security and Defense Challenges in Mesoamerica: Regional, Governmental and Private Perspectives.” The event offered several critical insights into the problems being faced 
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On July 24, Uruguayan Minister of National Defense José Bayardi spoke at a CHDS Face-to-Face Encounter event on the topic of “The Uruguayan Ministry of Defense – Views on Regional Security.” Bayardi told the group that the fight of against terror must be embraced by 
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Under the auspices of American University’s School of International Service (SIS) and the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) a conference on human rights and democracy issues was held at the AU campus on July 22. The event, a brainstorming session for a collaborative effort 
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On June 26-28, six CHDS faculty and staff participated in the Armed Forces & Society Conference held in Santiago, Chile, by the Research Committee (RC 24) of International Political Science Association. The conference, one of the more visible and noteworthy conferences on security and defense 
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Doctor Carol Fuller, career diplomat who heads the Secretariat of the Organization of American States Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE, for its initials in Spanish), offered the commencement address to the CHDS’s Inter-Agency Coordination and Combating Terrorism (ICCT) course that ended June 20. Center Director 
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