On August 18th, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) NationLab team conducted a three-hour videoconference with the Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (CESNAV) of the Mexican Navy (SEMAR), as part of NationLab Mexico 2010. The video conference was the first in a series of 
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On July 5-9, a Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) team facilitated a special staff team from the Guatemalan National Security Council in their evaluation of the country’s National Security Policy and the development of a model for monitoring the implementation of that policy. As 
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“More than 90 percent of the crimes committed in El Salvador are the work of gang members. Today, in order to be a member of one of these criminal groups, it’s necessary to commit at least one homicide, and in some cases, up to six.” 
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From 24-28 May 2010, the CHDS team of Kevin Newmeyer, Evan Ellis, Guillermo Pacheco and Boris Saavedra conducted a NationLab exercise for students of Class 49 of the Inter-American Defense College. The event was a role-playing exercise focused on strategy, negotiation, and the use of 
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On May 21, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) co-hosted a one-day conference with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, headed by Director R. Gil Kerlikowske, on “Countering Illicit Trafficking Activities in the Western Hemisphere: Possible Strategies and Lessons Learned.” The invitation-only event 
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During the week of 26-30 April 2010, the CHDS team of Mr. Kevin Newmeyer, Dr. David Spencer, and Dr. Evan Ellis traveled to San Salvador to conduct the exercise event “NationLab El Salvador 2010,” in conjunction with the CHDS partner institution in El Salvador, el 
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Professor Boris Saavedra, CHDS Assistant Professor of National Security Affairs, discussed the inroads that Iran and Russia are making into military programs in Latin America at an April 21 meeting of the American Legion National Defense Post 46 in Washington, DC. A retired Brigadier General of 
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The Caribbean Defense and Security Course (CDSC), the CHDS English-language flagship program, began April 15th in Washington, DC. The CDSC is the English version of the Spanish-language Strategy and Defense Policy (SDP) course and, together with its predecessor, Defense Planning and Resource Management, the three-week 
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On March 17-18, the CHDS Exercise and Gaming team conducted a simulation-based exercise in Colorado Springs for more than forty visiting security and defense professionals from across Latin America. The purpose of the exercise was to provide a hands-on experience in international and interagency coordination 
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Rear Admiral (ret.) Juan Rodriguez Kelley, director of Peru’s “Strategic Leadership for Defense and Crisis Management Course” (known by its Spanish acronym, CEDEYAC), which won CHDS’ first William J. Perry Award for Educational Excellence, has been named as Director General for Education at the Ministry 
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