Assistant Secretary of Defense Discusses NDS and Integrated Deterrence at WSDS 2022
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04 Nov 2022
ASD Dalton

ASD Dalton discusses Integrated Deterrence with WSDS participants

On November 2, we welcomed Melissa Dalton, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, to the Perry Center’s 2022 Washington Security and Defense Seminar. Day two of the seminar explored how US Department of Defense relationships shape the implementation of policy, including the National Defense Strategy, defense budget, civil-military relations, and security cooperation. In discussing the 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS) and the concept of integrated deterrence, Assistant Secretary Dalton stated that “an integrated approach to cooperation in this hemisphere is about developing and combining our strengths to maximum effect while being respectful of individual countries’ sovereignty and choices: an integrated approach that makes our operations more seamless…and allows us to exercise resilience in the face of collective transboundary threats.” Renowned experts from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, George Washington University, American Enterprise Institute, Inter-American Defense Board, Inter-American Defense College, and Defense Security Cooperation University also shared their insights with the audience of local diplomats from the Americas.