Perry Center Professors, Graduates Contribute to Book Published by Mexico's Center for Advanced Naval Studies
Brujula Hemisferica
06 Mar 2024

On February 29, 2024, the presentation of the book Brújula Hemisférica (Hemispheric Compass) was held at the Strategic Research Institute of the Mexican Navy, part of the Center for Advanced Naval Studies. This event was coordinated by Juan Manuel Avalos Ochoa, a Perry Center graduate. Dr. Pilar Ostos Cetina moderated his event, in which the following contributors shared comments on the book and their respective chapters:

  • Dr. Javier Medina Vasquez, Acting Deputy Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
  • Dr. Carlos Ojeda Bennett, Head of the Foresight and Simulation Laboratory (LAPSIM), National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies of Chile (ANEPE), and Perry Center graduate
  • CPT Alejandro Chaparro Ortiz, Colombian Navy
  • Ms. Celina Realuyo, Professor of Practice, William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies

Using case studies from around the hemisphere, this book represents an important step in understanding the theory and practice of strategic foresight to manage defense and security issues in the Americas in the coming years. In addition to those mentioned above, several contributors to this book are Perry Center graduates, including Jorge Cardich (Peru), Jesus Gallegos (Mexico), and Monica Mendez (Mexico). Perry Center Professor Dr. Boris Saavedra also contributed to this publication.