On October 15, CHDS Director Dr. Richard Downie welcomed 45 students from 18 countries in the hemisphere to the Center for the in-person phase of three advanced and one specialized courses. The four courses are: Governance, Governability, and Security in the Americas taught by Dr. Michael Gold-Biss; Civi-Political-Military Relations and Democratic Leadership taught by Dr. Jaime GarcĂa; and Strategy and International Security taught by Dr. Scott Tollefson, and Strategic Implications of Human Rights and the Rule of Law taught by Prof. Pat Paterson.
Dr. Downie welcomed the course participants, who then made introductions with their fellow students. Dr. Downie noted the immense diversity among the participants in terms of professional fields and experience, which tends to make for especially enriching dialogue and a greater shared understanding of the problems our hemisphere faces. Representing National Defense University, Dr. John Yaeger, Vice President of Academic Affairs, welcomed the participants and emphasized the value of academic accreditation and the need for appropriate tools to evaluate student participation in courses. Dr. Yaeger also described the success of the CHDS course model, which combines distance and in-person phases.
This in-person phase follows an intensive three-week distance phase in which students, using diverse educational platforms, remotely analyzed and discussed various topics related to their courses.