CHDS Inaugurates 7th Sub Regional Conference
SRC 2011 Chile Plenary
20 Jul 2011

On July 19th CHDS and its partners the Chilean Ministry of Defense and the Chilean National Academy of Policy and Strategy Studies (ANEPE) inaugurated the 7th Sub Regional Conference in Santiago, Chile. This conference is an interdisciplinary event attended by government and non-government officials, analysts and academics with extensive experience in security and defense issues, including graduates of CHDS courses. The participants will come mostly from the countries that make up South America, although the conference is open to participants from other regions.

Taking into account the transnational nature of non-traditional threats, and the need to address them cooperatively, the regional conference will address the following thematic areas:

  • The consolidation of peace, trust, security and cooperation in the Americas
  • Democracy, armed forces, security and society
  • Regional security and natural disasters: strengthening hemispheric cooperation

The event will be developed based on the following methodology: invited lecturers, institutional presentations, panels in plenary sessions, and simultaneous panels according to the thematic areas of the conference. These activities will have the participation of government officials and distinguished academics in the plenary sessions, and alumni and participants in simultaneous panels with academic papers prepared especially for the conference, in accordance with the thematic areas indicated and the established selection processes.