On October 15, Perry Center Professor Boris Saavedra successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on international peace and security at Spain’s Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). His dissertation, titled The Privatization of Security in Central America: The Case of 
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Perry Center professors are often called upon to serve as subject-matter experts, whether lecturing in-person at the events of other institutions or via video teleconference (VTC). Since this month began, our professors have already participated in several VTCs: On October 1, Professor Guillermo Pacheco gave 
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On October 9, a group organized by the Argentine Institute for International Security and Strategic Affairs (Instituto de Seguridad Internacional y Asuntos Estratégicos – ISIAE) visited the Center for an organizational briefing and discussion with the faculty. General (ret.) Julio Alberto Hang, ISIAE Director and 
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On October 7, the US Coast Guard and US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), with support from NDU’s Center for Complex Operations (CCO) and the Perry Center, organized a panel discussion on the topic of emerging challenges facing the Western Hemisphere. More than 400 live audience members 
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On September 29, the Perry Center coordinated a VTC with the University of Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico. Professor Boris Saavedra presented on Hemispheric security to more than 200 participants. Prof. Saavedra identified and explored the main challenges and threats that currently exist in the Western 
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On October 7, the US Coast Guard and US Southern Command will co-sponsor a “Conversation on Emerging Challenges in the Western Hemisphere” with US Coast Guard Commandant ADM Paul F. Zukunft and Commander, Southern Command, GEN John F. Kelly, followed by a panel discussion with 
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On Monday, September 29, Perry Center Director Mark Wilkins presided over an internal farewell event recognizing the contributions of a number of departing members of the WJPC team. Departing faculty members include: Mr. Manuel Lora, Dr. Patricia Escamilla-Hamm, and Dr. Michael Gold-Biss. These professors are 
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On September 29, the Perry Center hosted a workshop on the themes of the Eleventh Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas (XI CDMA). The XI CDMA will take place later this year in Arequipa, Peru, and will convene the defense ministers and policymakers of 
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On September 24, General Juan Pablo Rodriguez Barragan, Commander of the Colombian Armed Forces, visited the Perry Center as part of an official Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff counterpart visit. General Rodriguez and his delegation participated in a roundtable discussion on disarmament, demobilization, 
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Students and staff from the 2014 Perspectives on Homeland Security and Defense Course (PHSD) traveled to US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO, for the second half of the residence phase on Sunday, September 21. The first week in Washington, DC, included a 
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