On June 20–22, 2012, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies hosted a Senior Executive Dialogue (SED) on “National and Sub-Regional Strategies for Citizen Security in Central America,” which convened 14 senior foreign officials at the vice-ministerial level representing the Ministries of Defense, Security, and Foreign 
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Between April 29 and June 18, CHDS and the Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies – ANEPE) held their first academic exchange in a program coordinated by both institutions. During the three-week period, students and professors from 
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CHDS in collaboration with the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) conducted a week-long NationLab event from June 11 through 15 in Mexico to explore interagency response to major natural disasters. The event was hosted by the Escuela Superior de Guerra in Mexico City and 
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From June 6 to 14, 2012, Colombia hosted the 9th annual FUERZAS COMANDO exercise at the Colombian National Training Center on Fort Tolemaida. During this time special operations forces from 21 countries engaged in an eight-day military skills competition, testing their physical strength and tactical 
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On June 6, CHDS hosted a visit by Colombia’s Advanced Military Studies Course (Curso de Altos studios Militares – CAEM). The delegation was headed Major General Jairo Alfonso Aponte Prieto, Director of Colombia’s Higher War School (Escuela Superior de Guerra – ESDEGUE), and was composed 
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From April 30th to May 5th, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies had the satisfaction of presenting a module on Defense and Security Policy to the participants in the National Strategic Planning and Execution Masters course of the Institute of Superior Strategic Studies of Paraguay. 
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During a recent trip through Mexico and Honduras, US Vice President Joe Biden stated that although the idea of legalization was worth discussing, “there is no possibility the Obama/Biden administration will change its policy on legalization.” On May 11 CHDS held the fifth in a 
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On May 9, 2012, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies had the honor of receiving a group from Mexico’s Colegio de Defensa Nacional (National Defense College – CDN) at National Defense University’s Abraham Lincoln Hall. CHDS Director Dr. Richard Downie, and Dr. Luis Bitencourt, Dean 
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On April 26, 2012, the Jamaica Alumni Chapter held its first symposium titled Jamaica at 50: Reflections on the Democracy. The event, held at the Department of Management Studies at the University of the West Indies – Mona campus, had more than 15 people in 
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On May 2, 2012, CHDS received a visit by Julio Hang, Director of the Institute for International Security and Strategic Affairs in Argentina. Hang, a retired Argentine Lieutenant General, is a CHDS Distinguished Visiting Scholar. Using the breadth of his knowledge as a leading expert 
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