Dr. Richard Downie, director of the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, today announced the appointment of Professor Howard J. Wiarda as Professor of National Security Policy and the Center’s Associate Director for Research and Publications. Wiarda is one of the country’s most respected and renowned 
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The increased presence of women in our Strategy and Defense Policy course, with 24 women constituting 32% of all participants, demonstrates their increasing participation in the security and defense sectors. This also reflects the regional reality where a growing number of high-level posts, including the role 
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On the 25th and 26th of January the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies had the pleasure to host a number of distinguished scholars and administrators from both the United States and countries throughout the Western Hemisphere for the “Teaching Security and Defense Concepts” conference. The 
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On February 5th the participants of the Security and Defense Policy (SDP) course had the opportunity to dialogue with the Minister of Defense of Colombia, Dr. Rodrigo Salazar, during his visit to the National Defense University in Washington, DC. The Minister presented an outline of 
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With the participation of 75 students from countries throughout the Americas, the 1st of February marked the beginning of the in-person phase of the Security and Defense Policy course. The opening remarks, given by the Director Dr. Richard Downie and the Dean of Academics Dr. 
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On December 14-15, CHDS held a day and a half long seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the launch of the book: Seguridad y Defensa en Tiempos del Bicentenario: Visiones desde Argentina y Chile. (Security and Defense during the Bicentennial: Visions from Argentina and Chile). The book 
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52 participants from 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean complete the residence phase of the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies’ Advanced Courses 2010. The three courses, Advanced Civil-Political-Military Relations and Democratic Leadership (ACPMR), Governance, Governability and Security in the Americas: Responses to Illicit 
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On Thursday, November 3rd, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) hosted a half-day symposium for the benefit of members of the National Defense University (NDU) Foundation. A selection of CHDS subject experts participated in two panels of discussion, moderated by CHDS Dean Michael Gold-Biss, 
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Before a select group of attendees, the Deputy Commander of the Colombian Armed Forces, General Gustavo Matamoros, gave a presentation at CHDS that focused on the key aspects of Colombia’s process of reinforcing governability which, during the presidency of President Álvaro Uribe, became known as 
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During the week of 30 August – 3 September, the CHDS team of Mr. Kevin Newmeyer, Dr. Evan Ellis, Lt. Col. Carlos Berrios, and Mr. Steve Meyer traveled to Montevideo, Uruguay to conduct the exercise event “NationLab Uruguay 2010,” in conjunction with CHDS’ partner institution 
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