Perry Center Facilitates VTC with the Metropolitan University of Asunción
Prof. Bill Godnick on a VTC with UMA
26 Nov 2019

On November 22nd, Professor William Godnick facilitated a presentation and interactive exchange via video teleconference (VTC) on human rights and international humanitarian law with students at the Metropolitan University of Asunción, Paraguay (Universidad Metropolitana de Asunción – UMA). The session included a discussion of new Hemispheric security contexts, a review of the three main generations of human rights, a compare and contrast of human rights versus international humanitarian law, a discussion of the human rights of police and soldiers, US DoD and Southern Command human rights policies and initiatives and a culminating discussion of a complext human rights case. This VTC was the final session for 2019 for a series of exchanges facilitated by the Center in collaboration with the UMA.