Perry Center Professor presents at the Council of the Americas (COA)
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15 Jan 2015

On January 12, Dr. Luis Bitencourt participated as a panelist with a highly distinguished group of experts on Brazil at the America’s Society and Council of the Americas, in Washington, DC. The title of the forum was “Economic and Political Challenges confronting Brazil.” Dr. Bitencourt addressed the challenges facing the Brazilian government in the face of corruption allegations and economic austerity measures.

Brazil is struggling to control rising unemployment, stagnant growth and soaring inflation that have pushed millions of its citizens into poverty. The economy contracted by nearly four percent in 2015 and is forecast to contract an additional three percent in 2016. At the same time, allegations of corruption among senior political and business officials have damaged the legitimacy of the government. President Dilma Rousseff is facing impeachment charges in the Brazilian Congress.

Dr. Bitencourt’s presentation was attended by approximately 120 audience members.

Event Recording