On October 22, CHDS conducted the second event in the 2012 NationLab exercise with the Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (CESNAV), the senior War College of the Mexican Navy. The event, a two-and-a-half-hour videoconference, trained participants on the use of influence diagramming to analyze the problem of transnational organized crime in the region from a holistic perspective, oriented toward whole-of-government solutions, including the identification of systemic “centers of gravity” and appropriate points of intervention.
Dr. Evan Ellis gave the presentation, supported by Alex Podpaly. Approximately 70 people participated in the event on the CESNAV side, including senior leaders of the institution and distinguished representatives from other parts of the Mexican government.
The October 22 videoconference built upon an earlier videoconference with CESNAV on October 10, which introduced participants to the NationLab exercise and the system dynamics methodology, of which influence diagramming is a part.
The next scheduled event in the 5th NationLab 2012 process is a 2-day hands-on workshop to be conducted at the CESNAV facility in Mexico City, where participants will apply what they have learned in the VTC events to formulate and analyze their own influence diagrams and use these diagrams to form a whole-of-government “strategy.”
The strategy, in turn, will play a key role in the capstone event of NationLab, a 5-day interactive wargame, to be conducted November 5–9 2012 at the CESNAV facility. That event will include senior officers of the Mexican Navy (SEMAR) and Mexican Army (SEDENA), distinguished representatives from various Mexican ministries and from the US and other governments involved in the struggle against transnational organized crime in the region.