Weekly Alumni Spotlight - Alumni Leaders
2023 May 26 - Weekly Spotlight ENG
Photo Credit: WJPC Staff
26 May 2023

We are so thankful for this group of alumni who worked for months to coordinate Alumni Day 2023. This annual celebration/academic activity made to celebrate the impact and strength of the alumni network would be nothing without the participation and effort made by members of the alumni community. Much of the preparation included after-hours Zoom meetings, video editing, agenda planning, in-person event coordination, and many hours of dedication.

As the Perry Center begins a new cycle of courses, we encourage all past and new members of the Perry Center Alumni Community to participate in the coordination of upcoming events. If you don’t know where to start, join us for Office Hour every Friday from 11:00-1200 (Eastern) on ZoomGov. We will connect you with your country’s chapter/group and update you on upcoming Perry Center events. If there is no chapter established in your country, we are here to guide you and connect you with other interested members.

To join the ZoomGov meeting:
Meeting ID: 160 460 2881
Passcode: 614173