On August 17, 2023, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo gave a virtual presentation titled “The Reality of Fentanyl Trafficking – How Covered Parties and Clients Could be Involved?” at the XXVII Hemispheric Congress for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of 
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On August 10, 2023, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo spoke on transnational organized crime and its impact on state capacity in the Americas at the World Compliance Forum 2023 in Bogota, Colombia. She explained how transnational organized crime enriched by illicit financial flows is becoming 
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On August 9, 2023, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo participated in a discussion titled “A Look at Foreign Policy in the Americas” at the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Academy in Bogota, Colombia. Hosted by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francisco J. Coy, and 
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On August 8, 2023, Professor Celina Realuyo participated in an international forum titled “Global Threats, Regional Crisis and Domestic Challenges” at the Escuela de Altos Estudios Estratégicos of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada in Bogota, Colombia with 70 participants in person and even more online. 
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On July 21, 89 participants from 20 countries completed the resident portion of their respective courses, “Cybersecurity Policy in the Americas: Challenges for Policy-Strategic Analysis” and “Climate Change and Implications for Defense and Security.” To honor the work participants undertook in these courses and to 
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On August 8, the Perry Center was honored to host a visit by Peruvian Minister of Defense and Perry Center alumnus, Dr. Jorge Luis Chavez Cresta. Minister of Defense Chavez Cresta was welcomed by National Defense University President Lieutenant General Michael Plehn and Perry Center 
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The Perry Center is proud to announce two new publications: US and Australian Defense and National Security Foresight Tools and their Applicability to the Latin American Context by Dr. William Godnick, and The Role of the Latin American Lithium Triangle in Critical Mineral Availability by 
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On July 19, the Perry Center hosted a Chilean delegation led by Under Secretary of Defense Victor Jaime Barrueto. The welcome delegation included National Defense University President Lieutenant General Michael Plehn and Perry Center Director Dr. Paul Angelo. Under Secretary Barrueto and the Chilean delegation 
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On July 21, 2023, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo spoke virtually on “The Digitization of Illicit Networks in the Americas and Illicit Financial Flows” at the 9th Congress on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, ABCPLAT 2023 in San Jose, Costa Rica. The 
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On July 20, the Perry Center was honored to receive Ecuadorian Minister of Defense General Luis Lara Jaramillo for a visit. Minister of Defense Lara was greeted by National Defense University President Lieutenant General Michael Plehn and Perry Center Director Dr. Paul Angelo. Minister of 
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