QUOTES COURTESY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GUADALAJARA On February 2, 2012, CHDS conducted a video teleconference with Guadalajara, Mexico, entitled “Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks” presented by CHDS Professor Celina Realuyo. The event was co-hosted by the State of Jalisco’s Citizen’s Council on Public 
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On February 1, Dr. Diane Villiers Negroponte of the Brookings Institute discussed her new book titled Seeking Peace in El Salvador: The Struggle to Reconstruct a Nation at the End of The Cold War at National Defense University in Washington, DC. This event, cosponsored by 
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CHDS conducted a highly successful one and a half day National Security Policy Workshop (NSPW), Building Decision Elements for the National Security Strategy 2012-2016 in Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain on January 21-22, 2012. The Honorable Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar opened the event stressing 
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On January 18, CHDS hosted the third in its series of Hemispheric Forums on the subject of the 2012 Mexico elections and their implications for US-Mexico security and foreign policy relations. After an introduction by Dr. Wiarda, the panelists took turns presenting their opinions with 
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CHDS hosted an Alumni Working meeting in Port of Spain, which coincided with the National Security Planning Workshop held there. The alumni event was well attended and included a successful virtual component in which three separate groups participated: the Jamaican Alumni Chapter, a Haitian group, 
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CHDS Assistant Professor Celina Realuyo was a guest on the Radio Bilingüe Linea Abierta Show (Spanish NPR), live from Radio Row at the Health Action 2012 summit on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. She joined host Samuel Orozco to discuss the prescription drug abuse epidemic 
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On December 5th, six doctoral candidates from Alas Peruanas University’s Public Policy, National Security and Sustainable Development program, visited CHDS in Washington, DC. The purpose of the visit was an academic exchange between the candidates and CHDS faculty members. During the visit there were three 
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On November 7-8, 2011 the Peruvian CHDS alumni association held its 2nd Security and Defense Conference at the Westin Hotel in Lima. The conference was well attended by over 250 military and civilian participants, bringing together experts from throughout the security and defense field for 
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A delegation of 43 colonels from the Peruvian Army, participants in the Command and the Command and General Staff Courses from the Army War College visited CHDS. The visit, which was led by the school’s director, Brigadier General Luis Arroyo, was highlighted by an academic 
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In a ceremony presided over by Dr. Richard Downie, the Director of the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, and the guest speaker, the honorable Paul McHale, the resident phase of the four advanced and one specialized courses came to to a close. During this period, 
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