On March 17-18, the CHDS Exercise and Gaming team conducted a simulation-based exercise in Colorado Springs for more than forty visiting security and defense professionals from across Latin America. The purpose of the exercise was to provide a hands-on experience in international and interagency coordination 
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Rear Admiral (ret.) Juan Rodriguez Kelley, director of Peru’s “Strategic Leadership for Defense and Crisis Management Course” (known by its Spanish acronym, CEDEYAC), which won CHDS’ first William J. Perry Award for Educational Excellence, has been named as Director General for Education at the Ministry 
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Jaime Ravinet, who in 2009 was a CHDS Visiting Scholar, has been appointed by Chilean President-elect Sebastian Piñera as that country’s new Minister of Defense. Ravinet previously held the top defense portfolio under the presidency of Ricardo Lagos. In a letter of congratulations to Ravinet 
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Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs Frank Mora has been in his current position for just eight months, but has nonetheless embarked on a series of initiatives that clearly show the Obama Administration’s desire to “reengage, reestablish, and recalibrate” relations in the 
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On December 8, former Ecuadorian and Peruvian Presidents Gustavo Noboa and Alejandro Toledo were featured speakers at the first-ever CHDS international “Executive Defense Management Seminar” (EDMS), held December 7-11, in Washington, DC. The seminar, which includes senior government officials, ministers and vice ministers of defense, 
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On November 6, 2009, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, in partnership with The Brookings Institution, conducted a day-long conference on the “Strategic Implications of China’s Evolving Relationship with Latin America.” The conference was attended by more than 220 persons, representing a diverse range of 
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On September 17, 2009, CHDS officially awarded its third annual William J. Perry Award for Excellence in Defense Education in the institutional category to the Strategic Superior Studies College of El Salvador (CAEE). The award is named after the former U.S. Secretary of Defense, William 
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On September 15th, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs Frank Mora was the keynote speaker at a three-day conference on “Civilian Careers for Defense Professionals” co-sponsored by his office and the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. Mora told the group of 93 
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CHDS Director Richard D. Downie announced Wednesday, September 2nd, that the winner of the third annual William J. Perry Award for Excellence in Defense Education in the institutional category is the Strategic Superior Studies College (CAEE) of El Salvador. The winner in the individual category, 
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The Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies concluded its 5th Sub-Regional Conference (SRC) in Cartagena, Colombia on July 31. The theme of this year’s SRC was the “Challenges in Security and Defense in a Complex Political Environment: Prospects for Cooperation and Divergence in South America.” The 
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