From August 22-26, a small Perry Center delegation headed by Dr. Paul Angelo traveled to Guatemala to engage and participate in official visits and academic events focusing on contemporary security and defense challenges in the Americas. Professors Celina Realuyo, Boris Saavedra, and invited guest speaker 
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Over 300 Spanish and English-speaking graduates from the Western Hemisphere and the Caribbean gathered for the annual Alumni Day celebration on Thursday, March 24, 2022. This event was coordinated and hosted by several organizing committees each focusing on one specific area: community, academics, publicity, audio 
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On March 4, Colombia’s Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG) hosted a Perry Center alumni event and award ceremony for Perry Center Director Frederick Rudesheim. During this event, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo and ESDEG Professor Vicente Torrijos participated in a roundtable to discuss the global 
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On May 27, 2021 Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo spoke at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 2021 Congress on the panel titled “Intelligence Activity in Latin America: Trends and Current Challenges.” The topic of her presentation was “Leveraging Financial Intelligence to Combat Transnational Threats 
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On April 14, 2021 Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo spoke on “Latin America and the Foreign Policy of the Biden Administration” at a virtual roundtable at Universidad del Rosario Department of International, Political and Urban Studies organized by WJPC alumnus Dr. Oscar Palma with Dr. 
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Around 350 Spanish speaking graduates from the Western Hemisphere gathered for the “Día del Egresado” (Alumni Day) celebration on Tuesday, March 25. This event was entirely coordinated and hosted by an organizing committee of alumni, who created a video showcasing memories from the last 23 
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On Tuesday, March 23, over 90 English speaking graduates from the Caribbean and Latin America gathered for the first of two “Alumni Day” celebrations this year. So, what exactly is Alumni Day, and why? The concept was initially conceived by a working group of alumni 
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On January 12, the Perry Center held its first Caribbean alumni open House. About 40 English-speaking graduates enthusiastically participated in an interactive question and answer session with Perry Center Director, Lieutenant General (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim. The Director emphasized the Center’s commitment to maintain, grow, and 
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On December 1, the Perry Center held its first alumni “Open House.” Over 200 Spanish-speaking graduates attended, and they enthusiastically participated in an interactive question and answer session with Lieutenant General (ret.) Rudesheim, Director of the Center. During this meeting, the International Network of Alumni 
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On July 28, 2020, the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies continued their sub-regional seminar series on the impact of COVID-19 in the Southern Cone. Professor Celina Realuyo welcomed guest speakers Ms. Andrea Chaves and Mr. Marcus Reis, both Perry Center graduates, as 
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