Florida International University hosted the launch of the newest issue of Americas Quarterly, which focuses on Latin America’s militaries. Presenters at the February 12 event included (left to right) Brian Winter, editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly; Juan Carlos Pinzón, President, ProBogotá, and former Colombian Defense Minister; 
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On Thursday, the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies hosted the Minister of National Defense for Colombia, Mr. Carlos Homes Trujillo (pictured, center) in a Defense and Security Senior Dialogue. The event featured opening remarks by Perry Center Director LTG (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim, 
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The Perry Center co-hosted a three-day Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Seminar with the Panamanian Ministry of Public Security, the National Aeronaval Service of Panama, and the United States Embassy in Panama which took place from 5-7 February. Vice Minister of Public Security Ivor Pitti Hernandez 
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Over 100 Perry Center alumni, Panamanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, University of Panama and Florida State University faculty and students, and members of the diplomatic community gathered on Monday, February 3rd at the University of Panama for a Perry Center alumni event featuring a 
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Dr. Fabiana Perera presented on the “Importance of including civil society in the Women, Peace and Security agenda” at the meeting of the Conference of Defense Ministers of the America’s Ad Hoc Working Group on Gender Perspectives. Dr. Perera spoke about the importance of civil 
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Last week, Perry Center Director LTG (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim, Professors Boris Saavedra and Celina Realuyo, and Educational Outreach Specialist Kara O’Ryan traveled to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to conduct a series of official visits and academic exchanges with institutional partners as a part of the 
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Ambassador Oscar Serrate, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in Washington, DC, visited the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. The former ambassador of Bolivia to the United Nations, Ambassador Serrate spoke with Perry Center Director Lieutenant General 
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Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo participated in the Wilson Center Mexico Institute’s 8th Annual US-Mexico Security Conference on January 15, 2020 where she spoke on her latest publication “Countering the Evolving Drug Trade in the Americas” addressing the opioid epidemic and growing drug trafficking in 
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Course Application Periods Extended The application periods for two courses, Caribbean Defense and Security (intensive), and Cyber Policy Development (intensive), have been extended until 30 December, 2019. Due to the regional focus of both of these courses, priority will be given to candidates from the 
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A Perry Center team visited Peru the week of November 11, 2019, for a series of academic engagements with institutional partners and the growing alumni community in Lima. Over the course of the week, professors Celina Realuyo and Boris Saavedra along with Kara O’Ryan from 
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