On December 5th, Professor Boris Saavedra was a featured speaker at the Organization of American States’ sub-regional workshop “Industrial Control Systems and Critical Infrastructures in the Electric Sector” in Medellin, Colombia. The purpose of the workshop was to build awareness of the risks that the 
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The Perry Center was represented at a Meeting of Experts convened by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago (GOTT) on November 12, 2015 in support of the Twelfth Conference of Defense Minister of the Americas (CDMA) to be hosted by the GOTT in 2016. The 
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On November 18, the Center for Complex Operations at National Defense University (NDU) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies held a Hemispheric Forum entitled “The Changing Western Hemisphere.” Kicking off the event was a discussion featuring General John Kelly (Commander, USSOUTHCOM) 
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Perry Center Professor Luis Bitencourt was invited by the University of Guadalajara and the Institute for Transparency to participate in the Second Conference on Citizen Security, from November 9 to 11, in Guadalajara, Mexico. He delivered the keynote and participated on two panels, where he 
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Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo had the privilege of speaking on “Leveraging the Financial Instrument of National Power to Combat Terrorism and Crime” and on “The Convergence of Terrorism and Crime – A Case Study of ISIL” as a keynote speaker for the Joint Special 
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Seventy-three students from sixteen different countries graduated from the Perry Center’s enhanced Security and Defense Policy (SDPe) course on Friday afternoon. Their walk across the Lincoln Hall auditorium stage signified the end of their two week session in Washington, DC. Former Ambassador to the Cooperative 
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Fourteen Participants from the Combating Transnational Organized Crime section of the 2015 Security and Defense Policy course attended a Congressional briefing on “Cuba and Venezuela: Human Rights, National Security, and US Foreign Policy” at the Rayburn Office Building. Although several Congresspeople were unable to participate 
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The Perry Center conducted a Hemispheric Forum on October 27, 2015, titled “Security and Defense Challenges Posed by Emerging Technologies in the Americas: Cybersecurity, Drones (Unmanned Systems), and Robotics.” Three experts in emerging technologies shared their perspectives on the opportunities, threats, and regulatory challenges associated 
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The Perry Center welcomed a delegation of 36 civilians and military officers from the Institute for Advanced Strategic Studies (Instituto de Altos Estudios Estratégicos – IAEE) master’s program in national security and planning (PMPCEN). One of Paraguay’s premier institutions of higher learning, IAEE is a 
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Perry Center Professor Patrick Paterson provided an overview of regional issues in Latin America during the CAPSTONE Executive Development Course for spouses of CAPSTONE fellows. Taking place during the final week of National Defense University’s CAPSTONE course for general and flag officers, this program is 
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